60th Anniversary Book SaleWe hope you’ll join us on Saturday, October 22nd for our 60th Anniversary Book Sale, continuing the tradition started by an early Friends of the Library group in the fall of 1962. The sale will be held at the Newbury Park Library, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. As always, valued members of the Friends and teachers will have VIP early admission at 9:30am. The sale will open to the general public at 10:00am.

There’ll be thousands of books for adults to choose from, most priced at $1! Hardcover and trade fiction, fiction and nonfiction organized for easy browsing. We’ve got special priced books and book sets; a select collection of vinyl records and vintage books; hard-to-find fantasy and science fiction; and as always, children’s and young adult books, most priced at 50 cents.

We’ve also got teacher resources, including instructional materials, book sets, and games; an enormous selection of CDs and DVDs priced 4/$1.00 (yes!) — in short, truly something for everyone. And as if this weren’t enough, we’ll be featuring another silent auction (see items here) and every customer gets a Buy One, Get One (BOGO) coupon at checkout, to be used in either library bookshop!

Thanks for helping us with our mission of supporting the library. The Newbury Park Library is located at 2231 Borchard Road, Newbury Park 91320.

For more information about the sale, or for questions about book donations, please contact sales@ftol.org.